Direct Primary Care is the Costco of Healthcare

Direct Primary Care is the Costco of Healthcare

Question: Why would I pay more for primary care when I can get it for free? Answer: Because it is not really free. Not only are patients are paying more than ever for insurance premiums, but are then forced to pay inflated prices out-of-pocket for all of their medical...
Functional Medicine Approach to Low Back Pain

Functional Medicine Approach to Low Back Pain

If you have ever seen your doctor for low back pain, you have likely been advised to rest, ice the affected area, and take Ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation. If the issue does not resolve, you may have imaging done (X-ray or MRI) and if severe enough, an orthopedic...
What is Methylation?

What is Methylation?

Methylation is the biochemical process of adding a methyl group (CH3) to a molecule. From a Functional Medicine perspective, it is extremely important because it is a basic biochemical process involved in a multitude of different functions. Firstly, methylation is...
Pediatric Recipe: Culture Starter

Pediatric Recipe: Culture Starter

The following specific recipe comes from Super Nutrition for Babies by Katherine Erlich and Kelly Genzlinger: Option #1: Homemade Whey Generally, the best lacto-fermentation “starter” is whey from grass-fed, raw (unpasteurized) cow’s milk or yogurt....

Pediatric Recipe: Unpasteurized Sauerkraut

The following specific recipe comes from Super Nutrition for Babies by Katherine Erlich and Kelly Genzlinger: Fermented cabbage is extremely nutrient rich, a half cup (71g) offering 30% of the daily value of Vitamin C in just six calories. Additional lactic acid,...