COVID-19 Update and Preventative Measures

COVID-19 Update and Preventative Measures

As COVID-19 cases start to accumulate, we are learning more about the virus and why in some cases, the morbidity and mortality might be significantly higher than the common cold or the flu. COVID-19 seems to be attacking Hemoglobin. See COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta...
Oxidative Stress: Is Your Body Rusty?

Oxidative Stress: Is Your Body Rusty?

The Copper/Antioxidant System is the Battery The engine of a car functions to burn gasoline into kinetic energy, however; in order to start the engine, it requires a battery. When you put your key in the ignition, it allows the battery to create an electrical...
Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a therapy designed to use the power of light at a certain wavelength (red and infrared spectrum) to stimulate the healing power of the body. This FDA-approved treatment is safe and effective for numerous health...
Coconut Oil: Good or Bad?

Coconut Oil: Good or Bad?

Many people have become aware of the potential health benefits of coconut oil in last decade; however, conversely, there has also been data from the American Heart Association specifically saying that coconut oil raises risk of cardiovascular disease. A presidential...